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General Information

We hate carrying extra weight; unfortunately we've done it too many times. With all the advancements in new products and with the abundance of choices, it's quite a task to determine how to effectively lighten your load. That's why we developed this site: to quickly show what items/groups of items weigh the most (which shocks us time and time again, go to:Pack Weight Calculator), to determine the lightest item in a category given certain attributes (Product List), and most of all to determine what old items we can replace with new items to reduce our overall pack weight (Pack Optimizer requires you to enter items into Pack Weight Calculator and follow the given steps).

The Pack Optimizer and Product List intelligently select items not only based on weight, but Cost and certain selected Product Attributes. Afterall, no one wants to replace a 90L expedition pack with a small hydration pack. Of course to simplify the website, we do not use all product attributes for the selection process, but attributes that have been determined to effectively describe products and that are fairly easy to identify and easy to quantify. Important attributes such as fit, comfort, and sometimes functionality of a product for your intended purpose are beyond the scope of LightnFast.com. This website is a great starting point to find new products, but in the end your judgement is the best tool to determine if the suggested products are a good fit. If you do not like a suggested product, you can use Light'n'Fast tools to remove it from the Pack Optimizer. (Note: the Pack Weight Optimizer algorithm intelligently chooses a combination of products to reduce your overall pack weight, however no guarantee can be made that the chosen product combination will produce the lightest pack. Comparing all combinations of products would significantly hinder the website speed)

If you are a member, you can save up to 5 packs. We suggest reading Pack Saving Tips for the easiest results. Your saved packs can be found in your "Saved Gear List" menu bar, a feature only available if you are a member. If you are having difficulty logging in, please read Login Issues.

All packs can be printed out in a checklist format for easy packing.

Finally, we will be updating the database in the future. You, the user, have the ability to add products (Add/Change Products), but the quality of the database is determined by the information you add. Please add quality information for all to use, including accurate weights, product attributes, costs, descriptions, web locations of images, and where to purchase the product.

We look forward to bringing you more future tools to help out.


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