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Rack Buddie Notes

Manufacturer's do not give all the specs on gear. Some dimensions must be estimated to provide range information regarding the gear. Below you can find some of these assumptions:

  1. Rock Pro-Passive category contains items, such as nuts and hexes, that can be placed width-wise and length-wise. Manufacturer's generally provide the maximum for width and length of this type of gear. We measured a sample of Passive gear to determine an approximate variation between the minimum and maximum width and length. We calculated a percentage value for the difference between the minimum and maximum width and length (separately) and chose an appropriate value to calculate the Rock Pro-Passive category range. This sets the percentage value difference equal for all manufacturer's and all sizes of gear within the Rock Pro-Passive category.
  2. Piton/aid Pro category uses a similar assumption where all pitons use the same percentage difference between minimum and maximum width of a crack to approximate their range.
  3. We use manufacturer dimensions. These may not be real world dimensions of appropriate gear range. Use this at your own discretion
  4. To speed up page loading, we plotted the category ranges and the overall total ranges in a set number of increments. This may result in the overall and individual category ranges not lining up exactly with the individual gear ranges. Please notify us if this becomes a problem.

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